Thursday, June 14, 2012


I think it is fair to say that I have a case of the summertime blues.  On the one hand, it is summer and how can you argue with that?  On the other hand, I am tired and it shows.  I am more mentally tired than physically tired.  I am tired of trying to make decisions.  I am tired of unhappy people.  I am tired of the search for a new Pastor.  I am just tired.  I am overextended.  It is funny how it feels better to say it out loud and admit what others have already figured out.

I want to spend the sunny summer months having fun with my daughter, reading in my hammock, and swimming at the pool.  Of course, I still need to order my hammock and it is raining today.  I don't think my underlying PFTs scores are helping my cause at all.  I should be on IVs but we tried that route and agreed to a break.  I think knowing about my scores lays an underlying sense of worry below the surface.  I also wish that my friends who are so smart and understand me so well all lived down the hall.  There are some benefits to the college life which I keep trying to explain to my daughter who is still "considering" whether or not to start kindergarten.

So, today, I want to give a shout out to some people who are really good at sharing.  My mom has been sharing her days off work to help me carry out some of my overextended duties.  My friend saw my look of dread yesterday and fed me cheesecake to soothe my soul.  Another friend assured me that it really is fine not to do it all and just let it be.  My neighbor shared her darling daughter with my family yesterday resulting in lots of fun and laughter.  My daughter adores her daughter and takes it quite seriously that she needs to teach her important things like how to play Pop the Pig.

Over the weekend, I had the good fortune to see all of my living grandparents.  One didn't know I was coming and was so excited to see me.  The others anticipated my arrival for a birthday celebration and quickly spread the word.  I really appreciate how you can just be yourself and they are delighted.  It is a great gift.  They expect nothing from me other than as many hugs as they can fit in one visit.  Who doesn't need some more of that in their life?




  1. Sounds to me that you need to take all your cares to the cross and leave it there, that does wonders for me. Then drink a diet coke, on that note I think I might have one too.
    On a good note you got to go see our Grandparents, wish I was there.... :(
    Sending much love and prayers from Morris.
