So, this post is a little delayed. When the news isn't fun, you find I am a little slow about posting. My weight is down, my PFTs are about the same, and the junk is trying to get out. The weight might be a result of my cooking but is more likely my lungs using too much energy. My doctor advised grocery delivery which I keep dragging my feet about getting started. His other words of wisdom made me laugh. "Have some playdates. Make sure that they are not at your house and that you are not there."
Well, that really is good advice. Sometimes a mom needs a reminder, well, this mom. I also had the delightful option of giving it a go on my own or calling in the 24 hour IV line. I am holding out for warm weather and melting snow. Of course, I am not holding out too long so we can avoid a months long adventure.
Yesterday, I spent most of the morning driving in our Minnesota snow to a new doctor for a different problem entirely. I will spare you all the details. When I arrived, the charming receptionist told me that I was ten minutes late. I thought to tell her that I already knew that and that my Mom had spent the night at my house so I could visit her but I thought better of it. In the end, I left with no more news, another Doctor, and more appointments.
Since my daughter was busy with Grandma, I took advantage to make a trip to visit my friends at the specialty pharmacy for some refills. I inadvertently threw away some sterile water that I still needed. You can't imagine how difficult it is to get some extra sterile water in cute little vials with pink covers. When I pulled up at the U, the valet man said, "Hi, Ms. Ellis." I had managed to avoid recognition for a few months.
The highlight of the whole adventure was picking up my daughter at my cousin's house and getting to visit his darling daughter. We had already met at the hospital as I am the obnoxious cousin who shows up when you have just had a baby. When his first daughter arrived, my husband agreed to drive me across three states for the 'Meet the Baby' party. On my next adventure, I hope to visit my friend's baby in a couple weeks if my lungs cooperate.