If you have been following my blog, you have likely figured out one of the easiest ways to help me or anyone really is to bring food. (In my case, I don't eat onions or beans.) I have been trying to get my BMI to the magic number for a very long time. In order for me to maintain my weight, it takes about 2500-2800 calories. Lung disease uses a lot of calories. In order to gain weight, it takes even more calories. I had a personal trainer for a long time who was focused on muscle mass. We are on a break again until my picc line comes out. I tried the Snickers diet (my own invention) and my daughter has me eating a lot of ice cream. We don't eat a lot of dessert at my house but we eat a lot of ice cream.
Studies show that people with CF who weigh more tend to do better than those who weigh less which is why the journey continues. It only takes a few days of being sick to drop all that good work so we have to be extra diligent. Many of you have likely noticed that I don't eat large meals since my pancreas doesn't work right. I am on what I call the eat all the time plan. A lot of people make comments about how they wish they had that problem but really you don't want severe lung disease. I have found one of the best ways to gain weight is to plan my meals. I just discovered a new site, www.orgjunkie.com, where folks post links to their menus every Monday. Our menu is below for your amusement.
Monday-Pork chops and rice, peas
Tuesday-Steak and baked potatoes, freezer corn (thanks to my sister)
Wednesday-Food train delivery (thanks to one of my friends)
Thursday-Chicken and dumplings
Friday-Ham and sweet potatoes, green beans
I don't usually plan the weekends as we are usually more flexible or use up our leftovers. If you have a favorite recipe, please forward it to me. We are always looking for new recipes to add to our rotation.
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