Sunday, May 29, 2011

Doctor Day

Doctor Day didn't go so well on Friday. I had my bags packed and my family along to head to the lake after a quick visit to the doctor. I should really quit making such crazy plans because it didn't work out that way at all. After my PFTs (pulmonary function tests), we established that I wasn't going to the lake. The question remained whether I would be camping at home or in the big house. After a trip to x-ray, we determined that my problem wasn't actually pneumonia which bought me a ticket back to the blue couch.

While I was very thankful to be liberated of a trip to the big house, I was not at all happy about my family heading north without me. It was made worse by my daughter's attempts to be brave (and sleep without mommmy) and a lot of crying and telling her daddy to turn around. They survived the weekend without me, well, sort of. The car had problems and didn't run and my husband came back with an injured ankle.

There were several bright spots in the weekend. My friend tried to distract me on Friday afternoon and brought my dog back to me to reclaim his spot on the couch. My other friend arrived about as my last IV ended on Friday to help me out for the rest of the weekend. We managed to eat some good food, watch a funny movie, and work on a project. My mom arrived on Saturday with chicken dumpling soup in tow.

As I type, I am waiting for the last IV to finish so I can go to sleep. We added a new IV (or actually brought an old one back) to the routine. This means we are up to 4 vests a day and 6 IVs. My picc line is running a little slow so the IVs should run for 6 hours but it has been taking more like 9 hours. We are trying to recreate life in the big house while maintaining life on the outside.



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