Friday, January 27, 2012

Doctor Day

Well, we made it through Kindergarten round up with no tears. I am really quite proud of this fact. Now, we are on to our next adventure of the week to celebrate Chinese New Year tomorrow. My daughter has her first speaking role on stage so it should be very interesting.

My mom asked me earlier this week if I had been to the doctor this week. I confirmed that I had not and had not last week either. I didn't offer up that I was going there today as it only adds to my anxiety about the whole situation. People are really good about asking me to call them after the doctor but the truth is that I just want to go home and strap my vest back on. When it is a bad day, the last thing I want to do is repeat all the details. The call to my husband is enough for me. On the rare day that we have good news, I like to just relish in it for a little while.

My friend who has taken over watching my daughter since my other two friends moved is living the good life in FL today. She realized that she would be out of town and arranged for our other friend to cover for her. Before I knew about it, they had all the details worked out and I had a day at the U on my own which is a little easier for me. I have been having some sinus problems this week so we took the day off from school on Wednesday and laid low. My nurse told me yesterday not to get my hopes up which didn't seem like a really good sign.

Well, the good news of the day is that the graph is back at the numbers when I got out of the big house but still has to keep going up. So, we have two more weeks of IVs. We are going to decrease the Tobi a little since my blood tests are coming back a little high and my kidneys are getting a little tired of it. My last culture showed three kinds of pseudomonas and two of them should be handled by the combo of IVs that I am using now. The third one is resistant so we just have to will it away.

The bad news of the day is that I lost three pounds in the past two weeks for no apparent reason. So, we are back to the food diary and the eat all the time plan. I am also going to learn to use my bullet and add morning shakes to the routine. I think that is the only way possible to get in the number of calories that I need to get my weight to cooperate. I also met with my dietician today who found that both my vitamin A and D levels are low despite high doses of vitamins. So, we are going to add some more vitamins and reinstate my inhaler that was put on hold at the big house. My potassium level is still on the low side but getting better so we will continue with the ugly potassium pills.

By the end of my visit, I was ready to go home. I had to get some blood drawn for my research study. (I really think they keep it in a vault in the basement or something.) I went by the cafeteria to grab some lunch and ran into an old colleauge. I have been around the U for most of my 36 years so it isn't uncommon to run into someone that I know. I just prefer not to run into them with my IV connected and carrying around various medical deliveries.

So, today, I am thankful for the very busy valet that brought me my car so I didn't have to go out in the sleet. I am also thankful to my sister who helped me find the way to my daughter's play date when I made a wrong turn and was very lost. I am especially grateful to my fabulous friends who are so helpful and make a long day go a lot smoother for me. Please feel free to send your favorite recipes as we have a fun new project underway...more to come.



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