I should be getting my family up and out the door for church today but I think God understands. I took my daughter to dance on Thursday and put on the biggest sweatshirt that I own to cover my arm. I thought I looked alright but then I got home and looked in the mirror. I am looking forward to going to a birthday party later today except for the trying to look presentable part. I thought it was rough to wash your hair with one hand but your left hand is really tough. Of course, this is while wearing a garbage bag and trying not to get your arm wet or the nurse has to come change your dressing. We will save that fun topic for later in the week!
I knew that I must not be looking great when I broke the news to my husband and he didn't get mad. The big news is that I bought myself a present. It is a present that he really didn't want but I am really thrilled to receive. My new cleaning lady arrives on Friday. I can hardly wait. It was again an example of I thought things looked alright. I know that my house could look better but I am a little limited right now so I set my expectations nice and low. Well, I had to give my new cleaning lady a tour of my house on Friday. Suddenly, the clutter and the piles are jumping right out at me. That doesn't even begin to mention the various medical syringes and needles unpacked on my counter. Please pray that she chooses to come back.
I am going to try to get my family to take me to Target today. My daughter wanted to know what marketing meant and I told her it was how people get little girls like her to know that the big red circle means Target. She now plans to work at Target. I think the plan to be a doctor and a rock star on weekends sounds better. I asked her what a rock star did and she said, "You wear earrings, play the guitar, and sing in a microphone." The Target list for today includes a new stash of white garbage bags, chocolate milk, and all in one shampoo and conditioner.
Today, I am thankful for the ability to type. I am thankful for whoever decided to rerun the Lawrence Welk Show on TV last night and am quite sure Great Grandma B was smiling as I explained the thrill of Mr. Welk. I am thankful for a house that sleeps late because they were up too late at their Lego party. I am also thankful for the darling new dog, Molly, who moved to Mankato yesterday to live with my daughter's great grandparents. It likely means that I have lost my most faithful dog sitters but Molly is about to embark on a very spoiled life.
Finally, a cleaning lady, yay!