Friday, February 25, 2011

You have to start somewhere...

My sister thought I should make a blog so people can check in and be entertained by the stories that I usually only share with her. She finds my stories of medical drama combined with a darling daughter and a small dog who barks a lot to be unique. You add into the mix the husband who spends his spare time in the summer at the race track and things really get interesting. I am skeptical that anyone other than my sister will read such a blog. She was after all born into the world with me and had no choice but to go along for the ride. So, this is a combination of the good stuff, the not so good stuff, the prayers in action, and a gratitude journal. It is a lot to fit in one blog but we will see if anyone reads it.

Today finds me on day three of my most recent picc line. It is in my right arm so it has me learning to do things in a new way since I prefer my right hand. Things are going much more smoothly than the last round with the blood clot and the late night visit to the hospital while my husband was out of town. Of course, I don't like to get ahead of myself but I would say okay so far. I did have a lot more notice this time around and that helps. I wish I could say my life was in order but it wasn't in chaos either when I checked in for another round.

I continue to wait to write my first (and likely only book) about prayers in action. I have found especially in recent years that people are always telling me how they are praying for me. There is no doubt that God is listening to somebody. I have also found that there are a lot of people who take it one step further and likely pray but also put those prayers in action. I have heard people say that they don't know what to do to help others and I am not one to ask for help. Well, I am actually pretty bad at it and a little stubborn. So, I find it remarkable when people take it upon themselves and don't ask, they just do. A few examples from the past few days:
  • My charming husband who left work to drive me to the outpatient clinic rather than dropping me off at the airport for the first plane to Hawaii. He also promised to take me to Florida for my daughter to meet Minnie Mouse.
  • My very good friend who graciously picked up my daughter at swimming lessons and kept her for the day while I was "busy" at the doctor's office. She doesn't think twice about it and treats her like she is her own daughter.
  • My friend who left homemade soup and bread along with days worth of muffins waiting on my front porch after my picc line was put in. When I got home, it was waiting for dinner along with two boxes of medical supplies and IVs from the delivery man.
  • My friend who took it upon herself to make dinner the next night and have her husband deliver it hot and steaming. She also packed up some extra groceries so the leftover pot roast could turn into beef stroganoff. Who thinks to do that? I mean really. God is at work.
  • Just today, a man from my church went to Let's Dish after work and bought my family dinner along with the largest pan of bars covered in chocolate that I have ever seen.

Well, you get the idea. It is really amazing.

Today, I am grateful for my darling daughter who "loves everything except monstors and spiders." I am grateful to my husband who arranged to take a day off next week at my request and hang out with our princess. I am especially grateful to the women who heard about my situation again and set the wheels right in motion to make sure that my family is well fed. As always, I am grateful for my doctor who goes beyond what a patient should expect. Of course, I am grateful to my darling sister who always has good ideas and her phone plan that allows her to call me as much as she likes.



  1. Ah I know this isn't Facebook but can I "like" this??? You know we got your back girlnand you better start just asking me for help or I'm gonna just start showing up at your house unannounced!!! Love ya!

  2. You better listen to Michelle, she means buisness!

    Thinking about you all the time!

  3. I am also thankful that I got a new phone plan, and that you are writing this blog. I have never followed a blog before. You my dear are the first.
