Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I have received a few fun presents latetly. First, I called to find out how to order a rolling bag for my vest. I heard there was such a thing and since the zippers ripped out in my old traveling bag, it was time to upgrade. While I was on the phone, I mentioned a problem with my electrical cord. It turns out a lot of people had the same problem and they offered to send me a new machine at no charge. The rolling bag was part of the package.

Now, I can vividly recall my parents making payments on the original vest that took up a good portion of my living room. It was large enough that it couldn't fit in a car and cost more than any car my family owned at the time. My dad eventually brought it to college in the back of his truck.

My next venture was to find out how to have oxygen tanks delivered to Florida. I figured it was best to start with my oxygen company here as I can't imagine that I am their first customer who wants to visit Mickey. As it turns out, they offer a portable machine that turns the air into oxygen without having a tank. They also provide it for two weeks a year to their customers for free.

I also had my last trainer appointment at 7 a.m. this week. We are moving to a schedule that works much better for my sleep schedule and works around preschool. I managed to hang out with some of my nieces this week and keep my good name as I upheld a promise that I made and forgot. Apparently, ten year olds remember everything!

Today, I am thankful for our Barbie house that provides so much entertainment. I am also thankful for our bikes and our friends who donated their bike trailer that bring my daughter and my dog back and forth to the park. This week, one of my friends with CF had some good news and he was overdue so I am especially grateful.



Friday, August 26, 2011

The Slide

Today found me at the U for Doctor Day. My graph was so beautiful last time that it is a little hard on the heart. I gave it a good five blows but it could not be replicated today. The results were still respectable but not nearly as much fun. On a more positive note, I gained a little weight making me feel less guilty about my indulgent pattern of eating out this week.

I was reminded of the slide. I made a few fun choices this week. I decided to go visiting and missed a vest treatment. One out of 21 isn't bad but it is still one. I decided to play Bunco with my friends and skip a trip to the yoga studio. One trip doesn't seem like that much but my shoulders and my tendancy to fold myself into vest position can tell.

My doctor equates my situation with a duck floating by you. On the top of the water, everything looks great. If you looked under the water, you could see the duck paddling as fast as possible. It is a fair example. It is easy when you are feeling good to have a little fun and justify one vest treatment or trip to workout. However, you don't want to feel bad. On the other hand, you might argue that it isn't all in your control. However, if you get sick, you want to be able to say, "I did everything in my control."

A friend posted a quote today that sums it up, "If it's important to you, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse." So, I have the all clear to go visit Cinderella and her many friends. Although, I will be traveling with a few extra meds just to cover myself and make sure my good luck doesn't run out. I also intend to find a way to love my treadmill or find a friend who wants to walk with me.

On my return to water aerobics, I ran into my nurse in the pool. I took it as a sign from God. This is the same woman who drew my blood at the kitchen table and changed my dressing every week. She usually managed to arrive just after I took my daughter to preschool and leave before she got home again. So, I can take a gentle reminder. I get it. We don't want to slide.



Thursday, August 25, 2011


Well, we have just arrived home from another fun lunch out with friends. I had plans to go bowling today at 3 but our friends had plans to go bowling at 11. I figured that it might be a rough day when I arrived with my darling daughter in her swimming suit at gymnastics. She said, "Mom, what are you doing?" Okay, maybe we should try next door for our lessons instead since they have a swimming pool. We are going to spend the rest of the day working on our latest project.

For those of you following our progress, the shelves in the office are up. I read this great blog about collecting all the papers in your house in a basket to eliminate the clutter. There is now a basket holding many "important" papers in my office. I should go on record in sharing that a paper has not moved from the basket. So, the office is a work in progress but it is just too nice to work on more paperwork.

A few weeks ago, we moved my vest to the basement which worked really well until company came. So, we moved it upstairs and back to the basement again. We have turned the former "baby" room into a yoga studio which brings us to today's project. We are trying to get rid of all of the baby clothes. It is no small task but thanks to my friend's tagging gun, it is going faster now. We plan to sell out at an upcoming consignment sale so if you are in need of size 2, you should speak now before its too late.

Lastly, we have been working on clearing out the recipe box and trying to eat at home. This project isn't going so well this week but I can see the scale in my future so the calories from eating out really help out. We tend to make healthier choices at home which is good unless you want to keep your weight up. I also just discovered someone else's blog which gives her menu for the week, her grocery list, and the related recipes. Did I mention that my recipe box is already overflowing?

As the countdown to Cinderella continues, we are trying to get a few things in order. Well, some of us are trying. My daughter is currently stirring the confetti that she made with her Great Grandpa this week in her kitchen. How long do you think all of that confetti will stay in the pot?



Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thank you

My darling girl was sick today so we had a lot of time to lay low. I started the day with a visit to my trainer and signing on for four more months. My cleaning lady has taken a summer sabatical so the trainer is back in the budget and my house can tell. On my way home, I went by CVS to get a new thermometer before my husband left for work. The lady working today was at CVS the day that I made copies of my daughter's referral pictures.

We hadn't expected the darling photos in the mail when they arrived almost three years ago. I got a call on my way to work. When I called my husband to tell him that we were really having a baby, he thought my car had broken down. I had to sit through a meeting at Panera and drive to my office before I could see her darling face. We spent the night eating Chinese food and hand writing the announcements. The next day, I spent the morning at CVS making copies of her cute picture and mailing them to her grandparents and aunts and uncles who were also not expecting them. We wanted all of them to have the same experience as we did when her face finally arrived in the mail.

Every time I go to CVS, the same woman asks how my precious girl is doing and how she can't believe how big she is now. She always asks where she is if I happen to come in alone. When I explained that she was home sick today, she said, "Well, you must be feeling better. You are looking good." Can I just say thank you very much? I also have to wonder how bad I must have really looked when the kind lady at CVS is noticing a difference. However, she never pointed out that she noticed and that is a lesson worth passing on.



Friday, August 5, 2011


I got this bright idea yesterday that maybe I could do PFTs today and not go to see the doctor next week with my daughter in her pjs first thing in the morning. It was a long shot but it doesn't hurt to ask. So, I called and I waited. This morning, I got a call that I could do PFTs at 11 and if the results were positive, I could take a two week break from visiting the doctor office. If not, I could just keep my appointment as planned.

We have had a busy week around here so I wasn't too sure if this was really such a good idea. My daughter and I hurried to get ready and postponed our plans until later in the day. The results were 5% of increased lung capacity. It might not sound so impressive. It isn't double digits or anything but I have found that lung capacity only falls double digits. It rarely ever goes up and certainly very slow at least for me. This charts territory that we haven't seen since November 2009. I was told that it is reflective of exercise.

So, you will find me at water aerobics tomorrow and yoga on Sunday. By Tuesday, I will be back at the trainer. Please don't take it personally if I sound a little crazy about exercise. Progress is slow but it sure makes for a beautiful graph. I am also motivated by lunch with Cinderella in a few weeks. My daughter picked up her matching dress today and asked why we couldn't get one for me too. Now, that would be a sight to see!

