Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Doctor Day

Well, since my last post, I have been to the doctor and back again.  As it turns out, there is a medical reason that might make me want to climb back in bed.  So, we are going to switch things up and hope that helps.  The good news is that my weight is beefy.  My husband has never known me so beefy.  In this case, beefy is good.  My lung function continues to hang around the same general vicinity so we continue to wait and see. 

Yesterday, I got to Skype with my super smart friend.  I don't know why we didn't try this earlier but it made me happy.  She has been trying to walk her dog every day.  I think that is a fair goal.  Like I said, she is super smart. 

The big news around here is that my friend got new lungs last week.  She is doing well and had her incision closed so on the road to recovery.  When I heard the news, I sent a prayer request.  This is just a sample of the folks who responded in no particular order but I think it is pretty cool:

My super spectacular former assistant
My former Development Officers who agreed to work with me
My fellow Moms in Mom's Club
My former colleagues both here and in Indiana
My friends from college
My friends from grad school
My favorite soloist at church
My former philanthropy book club leader
My friends from high school
My friends' moms
My friends I met in China
My friends waiting for me to get home from China
My "kids" from my time as a Youth Ministry Director
My weekly dinner date ladies
My former residents from my time as a Resident Assistant
My "old girls" from down the hall
My most recent new friends moving to live in our community
My friends waiting at evening worship in college
My favorite realtor who is still friends with me even though I made him crazy
My favorite friends in Indiana
My friends who took me in when I was a new stay at home mom trying to find my way
My fellow friends with CF
A friend who lost a loved one to CF
My favorite friend from Sunday School
My relatives by birth and by marriage
My secret pal who was waiting in Japan on our way to meet our daughters
My sassy friend who told me to wait at the race track when I reached Indianapolis
My friend who was willing to get on a plane, train, and taxi with me bound for London

This list represents nearly 80 people from coast to coast.  Thank you for your prayers! 



Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Two weeks ago, I made a confession to my friend.  For the past two months, I have wanted to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head.  I thought it would pass but it seems to persist.  I can't say it is any one thing in particular.  I actually sat down and made a list.  Stop laughing.  Lists are good.  I came up with nine possible contributors.  It is fair to say that I am not handling all of the changes in my life or my people's lives as well as one might hope.

So, last week, I called my Grandma and invited her to spend a few days at my house.  I didn't think she would come but she was tickled.  We got to spend time eating ice cream, watching soccer in the rain, and teaching my daughter to play Rummikub amongst a host of other fun things.  My husband was the perfect host and brought her to church for me so she could go to the late service for Installation of our new Senior Pastor and still get in her morning yoga routine.  We could all learn a few things from her.

While she was visiting, my friend invited me for dinner.  When I explained that my Grandma was visiting, she invited her too.  She is not only a really good cook but also a very gracious hostess.  It struck me that hosting is one of the prayers in action that I had never considered.

Today, I went to my cousin's home for a baby shower.  It was really a great event with delcious food, good company, and delightful flowers.  On the way home, I was thinking about what a treat it was to just show up and have a good time.  Now, don't get me wrong, I like to host when I am able but it really is fun to get to see folks without being the one who made it happen. 

At the shower, my sister asked me if I wanted to take home some pumpkin bars.  When I accepted, she said, "Oh good.  I already put them in your car."  She is another hostess who knows how to throw a party and make it look like it was easy.  She has already been busy planning our next adventure.

Earlier this week, I was putting my daughter to bed when she asked if our friend at church was still in the Big House.  When I confirmed that he was but he was supposed to get out the next day she said, "Wow, that's exciting."  Amen, darling.  Amen.

So, today please say a few prayers for our friends with CF.  One is working on her support system and working the long course of IVs.  One is waiting on new lungs and needs perserverance to stay the course.  Another is getting over pneumonia and surgery.  Another that I didn't know personally lost her fight this week.  Her funeral was just down the street from my house. 

Sometimes CF just hits a little too close to home when you are trying really hard to focus on other things.



Monday, October 1, 2012

Doctor Day

Well, I managed to slide by without a doctor visit for quite some time.  Now, fall has arrived and it is back to the regular schedule.  The PFTs have slid a little which is not ideal as it is working against gravity to go back the other way.  This is my month on an extra neb which might help and we are going to try an oral antibiotic.

I have managed to gain a few pounds with the help of a new med.  I am not quite at the end goal but a positive in weight is always good.  It is likely one of the least talked about challenges.  I think it is almost physically impossible to eat the number of calories that my body requires to keep fighting germs and breathe.  I have one friend who lives by the nasty shakes and another who has a feeding tube despite her best efforts to gain weight.  I am not a fan of either of those options so we are sticking with the eat all the time plan.

I also managed a trip to the diabetes doctor on the same day.  My daughter kept the staff entertained in the hall while I got a flu shot and had my port flushed.  She was very excited to get to help get supplies out of the special closet and sit at the nurses' desk.

After an especially long visit, I was happy to head home again.  Our reward was a date for Chinese food.  Who can argue with that?  There must be some calories in the cream cheese puffs.

