Monday, February 3, 2014


Since my last post, I have been busy trying to fight off the oxygen machine.  I spent the month of September on IVs and adjusting to the reality of being a 1st grade mom.  I realize that a lot of people are very excited about this but I still toy with the idea of teaching home school.  Now, don't get all wild, I haven't really taken that step...yet.

The month of October slid by pretty well until Halloween when the bugs caught up with me.  I had plans the next day to go to the movies with some friends.  Instead, they loaded me up and brought me to the big house.  While it was not my ideal social outing, it was the most fun I ever had going to the big house.  Of course, they made a stop for Diet Coke and brought in lunch.  Apparently, Wonder Woman really does take some days off.

After about a week, I was sent home on good behavior.  Since then, I have been on IVs with oxygen and things, well, could be better.  By November, it was time to make some hard choices and decide which way to bet.  I am known in some circles as being a risk taker.  I asked one of my oldest friends recently how she would describe my younger self.  Without hesitation, she said, "You were a rule breaker."  I know some of you are reading this and thinking, "Really?" 

The highlight around here over the holidays was seeing my daughter perform her first piano recital.  (She would tell you that I am not a rule breaker anymore.)  It was a gift to me to get to be there in person.  Amazing.

January passed by with IVs still going around the clock and a lot of folks stepping in to help.  We have a caring bridge page set up and pages of directions for helpers to keep things running smooth in the months ahead.  This week, we are struggling with blood sugars that won't cooperate and throw everything out of whack.  I am not looking forward to doctor day this week. 

Tomorrow we are celebrating my little sister's birthday around here!  Well, we have to get through doctor day first.  She is amazing and makes it look like she just has four kids in her spare time when she isn't volunteering at school, organizing the blood drive, baking for the neighbors, hanging out with her sister.  I like to tell her that years from now, I plan to be calling the nursing home and asking to talk to the princess.  Once a princess, always a princess!



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