Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Long Ride

Four years ago, my mom drove my husband and I to the airport.  We stayed up late the night before packing and repacking our very large suitcases with what we thought our daughter might need.  We had the bottles, formula, diapers, clothes in a variety of sizes, shoes, toys, medicine, shampoo, lotion, and, of course, the diaper bag. 

As we were packing, we had the election results playing in the background.  Our dog had already gone to live with his grandparents for a few weeks.  So, things were pretty quiet.  Of course, our suitcases weighed too much.  So, some clothes got left behind in the interest of the very important snacks and peanut butter.

On our ride to the airport, it was a little too quiet.  You could feel the energy in the air.  We had all waited years for this day to arrive.  I told my mom, "I have done a lot of crazy things in my life but this might be at the top of the list."  China is, after all, half way around the world.  After waiting so long, I didn't get too excited.  It didn't seem real.  I was afraid to believe that this was really our time.

Then, the most amazing thing happened.  Our family changed forever in ways that I never imagined.  Our daughter is the most amazing person that I have ever met. 

Every so often she talks about her nannies in China.  She likes to tell me that they took good care of her.  She is learning Chinese so she can take her Dad to visit someday.

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to visit with a birth mom who has a daughter living across the country.  You could hear the things she has missed in her daughter's life in her voice and on her face.  I told her what I wish I could tell my daughter's birth mother.  You gave her parents the most amazing gift. 

So, today, I am thankful for my amazing daughter who is busy learning to read.  I am thankful for my charming husband who is willing to get on a plane with me for adventure that we could have never imagined.  I am grateful for my daughter's cousins who love her so completely.  I am also thankful to my dog who decided to come home again. 

Lastly, I am thankful for my daughter's birth parents and the nannies who took care of her until it was our turn to bring her home.  May God bless them each and every day!

