Saturday, March 5, 2011

Doctor Day

At the end of the day, the valet man said, "Hi, Ms. Ellis. How are you today?" I think this was likely God telling me to look up a little bit. I couldn't help but think, "You really have problems when the valet man at the University knows your name." It isn't like it is just one guy. They have a whole crew and a lot of people using valet. He might just remember my messy car or my cute kid. It could be my red hair or my look of desperation to be sent home again.

I arrived early for a meeting at 10 only to learn that the other person was in another state. I took myself to breakfast and ran into my original doctor from 35 years ago. I know it isn't good to be sick but getting old isn't fun either. His wife was along and walking back to his office. We didn't always see eye to eye but he is not a man who is willing to back down. He is a man of compliance and I never really learned that until I was forced into it later in life. As a kid, my mom or someone else would hit me in a variety of positions to loosen the gunk in my lungs. My original doctor and his team created the vest which is what allowed me to move away to college and later graduate school. I strap the vest on three times a day now without fail. While I would gladly give it up, it is really a cool invention. I try to have my husband hit me the old fashioned way for the fourth treatment. I get a lot of comments about the massage table in my living room. While my husband hits me, my dog and daughter usually lay next to me. She likes to take turns with her dad which isn't really ideal.

The good news of the day was that my PFTs are up and the drug of choice seems to be working. I also get to go off of Prednisone in another five days. I have been decreasing my dose as you have to go off gradually. Prednisone has some nasty side effects and in the long term, it causes problems for your bones. In the short term, it reduces inflammation which is good. It also makes you more hungry and if you are trying to raise your BMI, that is also good.

After a visit with my doctor, I was off to meet the sinus doctor. I had a CT scan a few weeks ago and the sinus doctor was supposed to tell me how great they look and how I should never come back to see her. Of course, it didn't work out quite that way. One of the sinuses under my eyes is completly blocked. If it were causing me more problems, it would likely result in sinus surgery. My friend had it done and gave me just enough details to know that I really would like to avoid it. So, we are going to try some old fashioned tricks like the neti pot and a face mask during my nebulizer with hypertonic saline (aka salt water). She also thought drinking more water might help. We will take another scan in two months.

I was feeling pretty pleased about my PFTs and escaping the sinus doctor's office except for the exercise meeting. I did pulmonary rehabitlitation last year and the hope was that I could just continue at home. Before my daughter's arrival, I worked out with a trainer twice a week and continued once a week after my daughter came home. I have to take a break with a picc line in my arm which resulted in a three month break in the fall. So, now it is time to figure it out again. According to the expert, you have to work out 4-6 times per week to see improvement and a minimum of 3 times per week to maintain. This is a little tricky when you are trying to gain weight and short of breath. However, it isn't optional. For Christmas, my doctor sent me an oxygen tank for my basement and a machine to use while I do my vest. It wasn't really a present. It just arrived in December so I have no excuses. I might need to find some exercise partners and make it social.

The last major news is that I am considering getting a port. When I talked about it last, my doctor said they usually wait until someone needs three picc lines in a year. Of course, most people just have a nurse put in their line. I get sedation and have crabby veins which are made more complicated by my blood clot problem. I thought I could just do it the next time that I needed a picc line. I learned that you are supposed to do it when you are coming off IVs or on the upside of a "tune up" rather than the downside of things.

Prayers in action was at play again today when my husband called. He was spending the day with our darling daughter. They had been out to lunch and at the pool practicing her rainbow arms. They couldn't go home because my new cleaning lady was still at our house. I sent them to the grocery store. I smiled when my husband told me, "I don't have any coupons." I think I have finally converted him to my coupon ways. He picked up something for dinner and a few of our regular items. It was enough to let me postpone a trip to the grocery store for a few more days.

I am very thankful today for my new cleaning lady and my husband who has agreed to this new budget item. I am also thankful for my darling daughter who convinced my husband that we should all see Disney on Ice. After all, the princesses will be there. I am grateful for my mom who spent last night with my grandpa who has pneumonia. He could use some more prayers in action. I am really thankful to live in Minnesota and know that I am getting the best possible medical care.

1 comment:

  1. I just have to say that I am really impressed with how well Lillie types. It does say posted by Lillie. :)
    Oh, and maybe, the valet knows you because you are the really cute red headed girl. At least that's what I think.
