Monday, July 16, 2012

Run, Rest, Run, Rest

In recent weeks, my family has taken to try running with me.  It started with my husband going along to carry me home.  It usually ends with some oxygen and a nap.  However, my daughter thinks it is great.  I am looking forward to getting back on a regular exercise routine.  We are starting a few houses at a time as I barely make it as far as my favorite garden down the road.  However, it all counts.

Things are going well today which has me a little nervous.  I can see the light on some of my commitments and am excited about the possibilities.  I also gave in and called my cleaning lady to come and help me.  She has been absent for a few months and I have come to be a little wiser. 

My daughter went with me to the U this afternoon to flush my port and hold my hand so I wouldn't be scared.  I asked her if she was going to be a Pastor and help make people feel better.  We had an interesting discussion about the difference between a Pastor and a Doctor.  I tried to explain that one worked on your body and the other worked on your heart.

After coming home to a clean house, I got really exciting news!  I get to visit my friend, Jen, who is still hanging out in ICU.  Of course, I get to wear the fancy mask but it is so much more fun than stalking her from the window.  I didn't think that it would be ideal so I asked her to check with her team.  I can hardly wait!

Tomorrow, I plan to be on my way to see my darling nephews and Jen along with our extended family in Indiana.  Then, we are off to my daughter's adoption reunion in Kentucky.  A lot of people wonder about how we stay connected despite being across the country.  There are not a lot of friends that you can say sat with you when you couldn't go any further at the Great Wall of China or stood with you in alphabetical order awaiting your darling daughters.  It is an annual gift to be together again and to witness our daughters' friendship.

Now, if I could just help my Grandpa feel better, that would be great.  He had a fall this week and it is fair to say that he lost the fight.  I do feel a little better after seeing him for myself.  My mom told me that he told her not to call me.  I think it is funny that he thought he could really get away with that.  During my visit to him, I also got to see one of my favorite people who gave up smoking after years and years of cigarettes.  It was such a gift to hug him and not smell smoke.  I am very proud of him.



Saturday, July 7, 2012

Love all the people

Well, I have only had one call about my missing blog updates so I think it is fair to say that my readership has fallen off.  Word spread of my summertime blues and my nieces took turns visiting.  So, I spent most of June basking in the glory of little girls and all the fun that comes with them.  My daughter loves and adores her cousins.  Her only complaint about their visit is that they have to go home again.
It must have worked because my PFTs went up to a point they haven't seen since last September.  Of course, I could use a few more pounds and I am still eligible for a handicap parking sticker but I will take any lung function that comes my way. 

This week started out rough as one of my friends with CF passed away unexpectedly.  She lived just down the road and we shared the same great home health care nurses and team at the U.  I went to her memorial service on Monday.  I had never met her family but discussed all sorts of things with her.  So, I was very relived and grateful to see some of my team there.  I sat with many of them and continue to be really grateful for all of their hard work.  I can imagine that their work is hard on most days but one memorial service was plenty for me.  The only part that really makes me feel better about my friend's passing is that she went out her way in celebration of her life and with her family who she adored.

A number of you have asked about my friend in Indy and she continues to be in ICU but took her first walk down the halls this week.  Please continue to pray for her lungs to cooperate as she is going through pulmonary rehab and continues to fight off rejection.

I am especially thankful for a number of people this week.  One read my post requesting prayers for my friend's family and immediately called me.  Another covered my mom duty and took my daughter out to lunch so I could attend my friend's service.  Another friend called on what is typically Doctor Day to make sure that I had coverage for my daughter.  Another watched my daughter while I helped a friend who was having a rough day.  Another spent time eating fries with me and reminding me why we are friends.

Recently, I had a great conversation with one of my friends about what it means to be a Christian.  I believe God loves all the people.  I also believe that we are all walking this path together and that we can use all the help we can get.  The road gets rough for everyone and sometimes the burden is too heavy to carry alone.  I spent time with one of my friends this week that reminded me how a call or a text go a long way when you just need to know someone is thinking about you and you are not on the road alone. 

I am proud to be one of those friends that you can call in the night.  I am glad to be one of the friends who will knock on the door when you don't answer the phone.  I am thankful that God has blessed me with friends who will do the same.

