Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deck the Halls

I managed to find the decorations and they saved me yesterday. It ended the crying about missing Daddy and moved us right into how we "needed" to put them all on the tree. So, we have officially decorated and I must admit that it does look more festive.

I thought the stars were aligning for me when my daughter fell asleep early on the couch last night. Then, I realized that it was up to me to carry her to bed. I did think about just sleeping on the couch with her since it is big and there is plenty of room. After I managged to get her to her bed, she woke up and was not at all happy about how I thought she might want to go to bed early. I will be very grateful when her Daddy is back home again.

This morning, I spent my preschool time with my trainer. I have a few weeks off while she is out of the country for the holidays. So, I will be left to my own devices. This is a bad plan. So, feel free to call me and ask if I have worked out yet today.

Today, I am thankful for my friends and family who work to keep me very distracted and well fed. We have had a lot of fun lunch dates this week and calls for no apparent reason other than to keep us busy. I was at dance last night when one of my friends called to drop off my dinner. She claims she forgot to put onions in one pot of her chicken noodle soup so it was meant for my family. First of all, who does that? Secondly, who knows you and your schedule to track you down so they can deliver it? This week I am also thankful for my fellow volunteers who understand that my daughter and I are a package deal and don't mind having her join our meetings on short notice.

Now, on to the Christmas husband gets all of that credit as he created them for me. I am really grateful that he is safe and sound despite the crying on this side of the ocean.



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