Friday, February 24, 2012

Doctor Day

Friday had me feeling a little beat up by CF. I can't begin to tell you how annoying it is to blow in the magic box and have scores that do not at all reflect the amount of work it takes to maintain some sort of lung function. I am about 10 days into my new run of IVs and the scores are virtually the same. So, what does that mean?

I don't know exactly. We have at least two weeks to go and then we will try again. So, my next adventure is counting calories and continuing my IV schedule while trying to lead a life which is a little more dull. That actually sounds good about now. We had some discussion as to what might delivery, fewer distractions, my former administrative assistant, etc.

This was the first day for our new nanny which is super exciting for both me and my darling daughter. She loves her and was not at all phased by my leaving her for the U. For those of you who know her, this is a major accomplishment in our lives. My friend talked to me on my drive and reassured me that it would really be fine and she was five now so it was probably time to let someone else watch her. Our nanny is just helping us out a couple times a month but I am hoping it works out for all of us. I owe credit to my other friend who did all the interviews and sent her to me pre-approved.

I also managed to lose a pound along the way so my latest project is a recipe ring on my fridge to keep the calories coming...



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