Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I go back and forth between loving and hating Facebook. I spend way too much time keeping up with folks that might not recognize me if I picked up the phone. Today though it served me well. Based on a friend's post, I checked out the classic country music at the Pandora website. It was not only a great suggestion but they include lyrics as the music plays. So, while I sang along to "Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowgirls", my daughter looked at me like I had lost my mind. She also corrected me to remind me that it is cowboys, not cowgirls.

I have a good friend who is fond of saying that I am a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. It is really a pretty good description. Of course, he knows where I come from and some of my people so he might have extra insight. After my daughter started to dance today and clap along to my latest discovery, I concluded that nurture might have more to do with how kids turn out than we like to think.

We were having such a good time that I offered to show her Kenny on Youtube. On our way to school today, she wanted to know if Kenny looks like Blake. (That would be Kenny Rogers and Blake Shelton, her favorite singer.) When I showed her the very old video of Kenny, she said, "Oh, he's handsome." I mean a girl just can't make this stuff up. She wanted to know who the girl was singing with him. I responded, "Oh, that's Dolly." She said, "Is she a dolly to play with?" "No, she is a real girl, Dolly Parton."

A few years ago, my former doctor was explaining to me his theory about singing. He had a set of twin patients with CF and the one who was in a band and sang for several hours a week had better lung function than the other twin. He thought maybe I should join the church choir or sing on my commute. Obviously, he had never heard me sing.

This is the same girl who pooled her money with my friends in high school so we could drive the 30 minutes to the only place near my house that let kids under 21 come to dance once a week. I am also the same girl who could be found at the local jazz club in college grading high school English papers. I can guarantee that the owner, Eddie, still knows my preferred drink of hot chocolate. I am also the same girl who brought my daughter home in November and the following summer bought her a concert ticket at two years old to see my friend, Randy. She still thinks that I am close, personal friends with Randy Travis.

So, today, I was reminded to sing and dance a little more often. My friend was visiting yesterday and noticed that I have a disco ball in my basement. Apparently, that is a little odd. It was my daughter's first Christmas present to her dad. Of course, she had a little help picking it out. He still would rather not dance but he knew that I couldn't marry a man who won't dance so he learned. You wouldn't think sharing your new album or passing on a good internet tip is an example of prayers in action. However, I would beg to differ and suggest you check it out for yourself. It really is too much fun.



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