Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden Day

Earlier this week, we celebrated 8 years of married life! The whole family ended up at PF Chang's which was as delicious as ever. My daughter wanted to know if I was going to wear my wedding dress for dinner. She has a lot of big ideas. I spent part of our anniversary at the garden center. After church today, we were able to get most of my good ideas in the ground. I like to plan it, plant it, and then pray over it. I don't always keep up with the watering which tends to help.

The list included green beans (growing up the swing posts), a lonely tomato plant, and a new rose bush. I wasn't able to lift the magnolia that I hoped to buy so it will have to wait a little bit. Our strawberries are starting to flower and the raspberries continue to spread. I was very excited to see the lily of the valley starting to spread too. We moved them from the farm where I grew up.

Next week, we are hoping to get our garden at school growing again. We share it with another family which makes it a little bit more social and an extension of our preschool education. My daughter and her friend both like to help water and pick crops. We are also meeting this week with some of our friends about the driving schedule for our new CSA. It is quite a few miles south so we will go about every fourth week to pick up our share of farm veggies and deliver them. It is a lot of fun and forces you to eat more veggies and try things you might not pick up at the farmer's market.

I am especially thankful today that other people have the gift of music even if I don't reallly have it. I am also thankful for my husband who agrees to try my latest gardening idea and my daughter who digs with such enthusiasm. I am thankful to the librarian who helped me load our new encyclopedias in the car and to my sister who reassured me that they really are a good idea. I am also thankful to my friends who share their coupons and the great Diet Coke sale this week. (Did I mention it doesn't take much to make me happy?)



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